Answers for Why Do You Want to Work Here?

In the search for a position, every job seeker will be faced with a question that may be seemingly obvious. A question that does not seem even to warrant an answer. When hiring managers ask you, “Why do you want to work here?”

They are trying to determine if you would fit in at the company and if you would add value to their existing team.

An engaged employee that is aligned with the company’s mission and values will be more productive and stay at the company longer. The hiring manager is trying to find out if that person is you.

You might be panicking, wondering how to answer, “Why do you want to work here?” You never want to answer this question with a blunt and thoughtless response like, “Well, the pay is good, and I need a job.”

While this may be true, you aren’t giving yourself much of a chance.

You need to prove that you’ve done the research on the company, that your core values match the objectives of the company, and that you will enjoy working there.

The hiring manager won’t want to hire someone who is only in it for the paycheck.

It’s critical that you take the time before the interview to learn everything you can about the company.

Visit their website and read the “About Us” section, check out their social media accounts to get a sense of their culture, and search for press or articles about innovative things the company might be doing.

If you don’t find anything that sparks your imagination and drives your desire to work there, this may not be the right company for you.

When crafting your response, you will want it to be customized to the company you are interviewing with. Hiring managers do not appreciate a generic answer like, “This is a great place to work and I would love to be on the team.”

This doesn’t say anything about the impact the candidate could have on the company and what they bring to the table.

Instead, design a response that demonstrates how your personal goals are in line with the values of the organization.

For example, if the company values community service, talk about your volunteer work and how you want to be a part of a team that is doing good in the community. Always tie your response back to your experience.

If you’re finding it difficult to draft your response, we’ve crafted some sample answers that can inspire your own reaction. Take your time to understand what is truly important to you and only interview at organizations that reflect those values.